Vito CLR is a 35mm filmrangefinder camera, manufactured by Voigtländer and produced between 1963-68. It is in the Vito C series with coupled light meter and a rangefinder.
All of the Vito C series models except CS and CSR, were sold as Standard or Deluxe models.
Differences between standard and de luxe models are cosmetic, like leatherette covered lens barrel, black shutter release, raised chrome name, film reminder disc with leather in the center.
The light meter window is different in the deluxe third model of CLR .
Lanthar 50mm f/2.8 lens was on early model CLRs. The later model CLRs were offered with *Color Lanthar or Color Skopar 50mm f/ 2.8 lenses.
Aperture: f/2.8 - f/22, setting: ring and scale on the lens-shutter barrel
Focus range: 1-20m +inf
Focusing: matching rangefinder images in the finder via manual front element focusing
Shutter: GauthierProntor 500 LK central leaf shutter, speeds: 1/15-1/500 + B
Shutter release: on front of the camera, beside the lens, w/ cable release socket
Cocking lever: short stroke, also winds the film, on the right back side of the camera,
Frame counter: window on the bottom plate, manual reset, decreasing type, w/ setting button beside it
Viewfinder: coupled rangefinder / viewfinder, bright crystall frame for parallax correction, meter needle set is visible in the finder
Exposure meter: External selenium cell
ASA/DIN setting scale: on the shutter speed ring, w/ Uncoupling lever: disengages shutter speed ring when setting film speed, on the lens-shutter barrel
Exposure setting: after setting the speed, turn the aperture ring till two needles match in the window, on the top plate, w/ Translucent plastic part reflects the meter needle set to the viewfinder
Others: Flash PC socket synch. X all speeds, bulb 1/30; Self timer; Memory dial; Tripod socket 1/4 inch
Voigtländer Vito CLR De Luxe version, third model c.1965 Images by Süleyman Demir (Image rights)