Voigtländer Rollfilm are a series of medium format and large format folding bed roll film cameras made by Voigtländer and produced between 1927-32.
- The Rollfilm series have several models and different formats of film cameras.
- All are folding-bed cameras with leather covered metal body.
- Brilliant finder, frame finder on the side and wire finder near the lens.
- With Compur, Embezet or Ibsor shutters and Voigtar, Skopar or Heliar lenses.
- Rollfilm 6.5x11 (1930-1932) 116 film
- Rollfilm 5x8 (1927-1930) 129 film
- Rollfilm 6x9 (1927-1930) 120 film
- in Collectiblend
- Manual in Butkus.org
- Voigtlande Collection in Pagesperso
- in Ukcamera
- in Classiccameras
- At www.collection-appareils.fr :