The Taishō-shiki (大正式) is a Japanese folding camera, sold by Ōsaka Shashinki Shōkai on mail order. Taishō is the name of the Japanese era starting in 1911 and ending in 1925, and the name means "Taishō-type" or "Taishō set".
The camera is only known from a single advertisement.[1] The drawing is hardly legible, and does not show any detail. The picture format is not mentioned, but it was certainly quite small, most probably No.0-size (4×5cm). Four versions are listed, priced at ¥1.50, ¥2, ¥3 and ¥5. The camera was supplied with a set of chemicals and a user manual.[2]
- ↑ Advertisement reproduced in Morishita, p.70 of Kurashikku Kamera Senka no.22.
- ↑ The text reads as follows: "本機に使用具薬品一揃へ及独習書を添附して".
- Morishita Hajime (森下肇). "Atomu-han kamera no subete" (アトム判カメラのすべて, All of Atom-size cameras). Kamera Rebyū: Kurashikku Kamera Senka (カメラレビュー クラシックカメラ専科) / Camera Review: All about Historical Cameras no.22, September 1992. No ISBN number. Airesu no subete (アイレスのすべて, special issue on Aires). Pp.55–70.