Japanese plate cameras, folding bed (edit)
No.0 (4×5cm) Alpha | Sweet | Pony Sweet | Taishō-shiki
atom (4.5×6cm) Monarch | Need | Palma
meishi (5.5×8cm) Eagle | Idea A | Idea B | Idea Snap | Idea No.1 | Iris | Lily (horizontal) | Pearl No.3 | Special Camera | Venis | X
daimeishi (6.5×9cm) Apollo | Arcadia | Crite | Special East | Eaton | Elliotte | First | First Etui | Gold | Happy | Hope | Idea No.1 | Idea (metal) | Kinka | Kokka | Lily (horizontal) | Lily (metal) | Tropical Lily | Lloyd | Lomax | Masnette | Mikuni | Need | Nifca Klapp | Nifca Sport | Ohca | Palma | Peter | Prince | Prince Peerless | Proud | Romax | Rosen | Rubies | Sirius | Sun | Super | Tokiwa | Venus | Weha Idea | Weha Light
tefuda (8×10.5cm) Eagle | Idea A | Idea B | Idea No.1 | Idea (metal) | Iris | Lily (original) | Lily (horizontal) | Lily (metal) | Palma | Pearl No.3, No.4 | Minimum Pearl | Special Pearl | Sakura Palace | Sakura Pocket Prano | Star | Tokiwa | Weha
nimaigake (8×12cm) Eagle | Idea | Idea Binocular | Sakura Prano | Sakura Binocular Prano | Star Premo
hagaki (8×14cm) Eagle | Noble | Pearl No.3, No.4 | Star
kabine (12×16.5cm) Idea | Noble | Sakura Prano | Star Premo
Japanese plate film: monocular, box, strut-folding and SLR ->
3×4 and 4×4, 4×5 and 4×6.5, 4.5×6, 6×6 and 6×9 ->

See also the Sweet 16 subminiature camera. The Sweet (ズイート) and derivatives are Japanese folding cameras sold by Sone Shunsuidō from 1918.[1] They take No.0 plates (about 4×5cm), a size which would be called "Sweet-size" after the success of the camera.

General description[]

Sweet camera by mayumi

Sweet by mayumi.k

Sweet round by mayumi

Sweet round by mayumi.k

The Sweet and related cameras have a folding body, a simple lens, a simple shutter giving Bulb and Instant or Time and Instant settings, a small brilliant finder and rails allowing to slide the front standard back and forth for focusing.

Wooden models[]

The original Sweet has a wooden body and a strut on one side only, on the photographer's right.[2] A round SWEET logo is attached to the left-hand side of the body. The name SWEET is also displayed above the lens, in an inscription imitating the speed-setting dial and cylinder of some pneumatic shutters, and containing a small rectangular logo, said to be typical of Sone.[3]

The wooden Alpha is a simpler model with a crude central rail, consisting of a simple metal sheet, and the name ALPHA inscribed on a crescent-shape plate attached above the lens.[4]

Metal models[]

The metal Alpha is a simple metal model, quite similar to the original Sweet, with the name ALPHA inscribed on a disc above the lens.[5]

The Pony Sweet is another metal model, apparently having folding struts on both sides; the name PONY SWEET is inscribed below the lens, together with the mention MADE BY TOKYO CAMERA WORKS.[6] (Tokyo Camera Works was the name of the manufacturing branch of Sone Shunsuidō in the 1920s.)


  1. Date: Lewis, p.27, Kamera no ayumi, p.88.
  2. Example pictured in Sugiyama, item 4008, and in Kamera no Ayumi, p.88, and example pictured in Yazawa, p.24 of Kurashikku Kamera Senka no.11.
  3. Logo typical of Sone: Yazawa, p.24 of Kurashikku Kamera Senka no.11.
  4. Example observed in an online auction.
  5. Example pictured in Sugiyama, item 4010, and in Kamera no ayumi, p.88.
  6. Example pictured in Sugiyama, item 4009, in Lewis, p.27, in Yazawa, p.15 of Camera Collectors' News no.264 and in this page of the Center of the History of Japanese Industrial Technology.



In Japanese:
