
Pathfinder was the name given a series of cameras manufactured by Polaroid and Yashica from the early 1950s until 1964. These models were the professional-market Polaroid camera, equipped with a fast and sharp lens and made with durable steel construction. Unlike other Polaroid cameras, the Pathfinders were set to expose the film fully manually, with no aid from an electric eye. This provides the photographer with precise control over the camera. Pathfinders used 40-series rollfilm, which produced an instant print of 7.2 x 9.5 cm. Even today, although this type of rollfilm is discontunued, many photographers have found ways to use the Pathfinder.



The original 110 featured:

  • 127mm f/4.5 Wollensak Raptar lens
  • Wollensak Rapax shutter, speeds 1-1/400 plus Bulb, T
  • Coupled rangefinder mounted to top of camera near viewfinder


  • 127mm f/4.7 Rodenstock Ysarex lens
  • Prontor SVS shutter, speeds 1-1/300 plus Bulb
  • Self-timer
  • Coupled rangefinder, viewfinder windows on top of camera
  • Hinged lens cap


Same as 110A, except:

  • Coupled single-window range/viewfinder with parallax correction
  • f/90 Pinhole lens cap


  • Made by Yashica for non-USA markets
  • 127mm, f/4.7, 4-element Yashinon lens
  • Seikosha-SLV shutter, 1-1/500 plus Bulb.


Several companies sell Pathfinder cameras modified to accept various modern films, most often the 110B model. These cameras can be made to accept conventional 4x5 inch sheet film, Polaroid 100-series packfilm, 120 rollfilm, and even Fuji Instax Wide film.
