
Part of the series of Polaroid cameras started with the Automatic 100 and finishing at the Automatic 450, this camera shares a common set of features with all models in this line:

  • Folding Bellows
  • Automatic Exposure
  • 100-series Packfilm

The 250 is one of the higher-end models of the 100-400 series line of folding Packfilm Land Cameras, similar to the 100, 350, 360 and 450 models; it lacks the electronic development timer of the later (higher-numbered) models, but early models of the 250 have a larger viewfinder window than the later Zeiss-Ikon rangefinder models - both models of eyepiece are functionally identical but the earlier model has a larger window at the rear. Partway through the 250's life cycle the viewfinder was changed to match the same type that would be used on the 350 and 450 models, effectively meaning there were 2 versions of the 250 produced.

The main advantages these models have over the majority of the other, 'consumer' models in the series are:

  • Zeiss Ikon-designed rangefinder, with projected frame lines and parallax compensation.
  • Tripod mount on all-metal body
  • 3 element glass lens (114mm f8.8)

The 250 was produced from 1967 until 1969 (when it was replaced by the 350), retailing on release for $160.

