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Nakamura Patē Shōkai (中村パテー商会, the word Patē perhaps stands for the French movie company Pathé) was a Japanese distributor based in Tokyo during the war.[1] It sold the Miyako Six in 1943. There are some hints that the company still exists (2007).[2]


  1. Its address in 1943 was Tōkyō-shi Kōjimachi-ku Iidamachi 1–7 (東京市麹町区飯田町一丁目七番地). Source: advertisement reproduced in Kokusan kamera no rekishi, p. 99.
  2. See this entry of the Yahoo Japan phonebook, indicating that a company of the same name currently (2007) exists at the following address: Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku Kudan-kita 1-chōme 2–2–102 (東京都千代田区九段北1丁目2-2-102). This address is plausibly the same as the 1943 address with the new postwar address system.

