Japanese plate cameras, folding bed (edit)
No.0 (4×5cm) Alpha | Sweet | Pony Sweet | Taishō-shiki
atom (4.5×6cm) Monarch | Need | Palma
meishi (5.5×8cm) Eagle | Idea A | Idea B | Idea Snap | Idea No.1 | Iris | Lily (horizontal) | Pearl No.3 | Special Camera | Venis | X
daimeishi (6.5×9cm) Apollo | Arcadia | Crite | Special East | Eaton | Elliotte | First | First Etui | Gold | Happy | Hope | Idea No.1 | Idea (metal) | Kinka | Kokka | Lily (horizontal) | Lily (metal) | Tropical Lily | Lloyd | Lomax | Masnette | Mikuni | Need | Nifca Klapp | Nifca Sport | Ohca | Palma | Peter | Prince | Prince Peerless | Proud | Romax | Rosen | Rubies | Sirius | Sun | Super | Tokiwa | Venus | Weha Idea | Weha Light
tefuda (8×10.5cm) Eagle | Idea A | Idea B | Idea No.1 | Idea (metal) | Iris | Lily (original) | Lily (horizontal) | Lily (metal) | Palma | Pearl No.3, No.4 | Minimum Pearl | Special Pearl | Sakura Palace | Sakura Pocket Prano | Star | Tokiwa | Weha
nimaigake (8×12cm) Eagle | Idea | Idea Binocular | Sakura Prano | Sakura Binocular Prano | Star Premo
hagaki (8×14cm) Eagle | Noble | Pearl No.3, No.4 | Star
kabine (12×16.5cm) Idea | Noble | Sakura Prano | Star Premo
Japanese plate film: monocular, box, strut-folding and SLR ->
3×4 and 4×4, 4×5 and 4×6.5, 4.5×6, 6×6 and 6×9 ->

The Monarch (モナーク) is a Japanese 4.5×6cm plate folder, distributed by Sone Shunsuidō in the late 1920s.[1]

The only picture of the Monarch observed so far is a small illustration taken from an advertisement or catalogue.[2] The camera is a copy of the Duchessa (bed-type) or Sonnet 4.5×6cm models by Contessa-Nettel. It has a vertical shape, with scissor struts and a folding bed.

The advertisement or catalogue entry says that the camera has an all metal body covered with grained morocco leather, and also mentions lever focusing, certainly the same as on the Duchessa. A focusing lever is indeed faintly visible inside the folding bed.

There is a brilliant finder at the top of the front standard, on the photographer's left, and a wireframe finder with a simple eyepiece retracting in the rear body. The top of the front standard is reinforced by some sort of bridge, also serving as a nameplate, apparently inscribed Monarch.

The camera has a Modelar Anastigmat f/4.5 lens, and was supplied with six single-sided plate holders and one film pack holder, at the price of ¥78.


The Monarch is not listed in Sugiyama.

  1. Distributed by Sone Shunsuidō: Lewis, p.44.
  2. Extract from an advertisement or catalogue reproduced in Morishita, p.70 of Kurashikku Kamera Senka no.22.