See also the Konica FP-1, an electronic program-mode SLR.
The Konica FP is a fully mechanical SLR without a built in light meter, in the Konica Bayonet I , early or Konica F mount.
The FP, introduced in 1963, uses the Copal Square shutter, usually clearly marked as such when the rear film door of the camera is opened. Shutter speeds are from 1s to 1/1000s and B. Connections are provided for both electronic flash (X) and flash bulbs (M). Flash sync is 1/125 with electronic flash, and 1/30 or 1/60 with different types of flash bulbs.
This model has a slot in the shutter speed dial, which serves as a point for an accessory Konica Lightmeter or Lightmeter II to interconnect. The first meter is large and sits on top of the camera's pentaprism, is retained by a clip at the viewfinder eyepiece. The second meter operates similarly, but is considerably smaller and protrudes a bit from the front of the camera, attaches via a bracket that in turn clamps under the shutter speed dial. Both meters use a CdS type sensor and require a single 625 mercury battery (1.3V) for power to operate. Both meters have a secondary shutter speed dial that can be turned (and through the linkage also turns the dial on the top of the camera) to vary a needle, which in turn indicates what aperture to set manually on the lens.
There are two different types of accessory flash "cold" shoes available for this model. One clips under the film rewind knob. The other sits atop the pentaprism and clips to the viewfinder eyepiece surround.
In Germany the FP was rebadged and sold by Foto-Quelle as the Revue SR. In the US as it was rebadged and sold as the Wards slr700 by Mongomery Ward department and mail order catalog stores.
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