
ICA Halloh 570 is a folding bed film camera, manufactured by Internationale Camera AG. (ICA), Dresden, Germany


  • Model: c.1922, ICA catalog no.570, [1]
  • Produced between 1922 ? - 26
  • Film: Dual concept
    • 122 roll-film "Post-card", picture size: 8.25x13.9cm,
    • Plate film: 9x14cm
  • Engraving on the hand grip allows easy ID: Halloh 570
  • Lens: Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 165mm f/6.3, filter slip-on, Aperture: f/6.3-f/36
  • Focusing: bellows focusing via an index pointer; distance scale on the left of the bed plate, sliding towards the index A/F just behind it, for adjusting focusing range of distance scale for plate and roll-film; Focus range: 2-16m +inf
  • Shutter: Compur leaf shutter, speeds: 1-1/200 + Z and B, setting: by two dials on the lens shutter barrel, first one is for speeds, second one is for time exposures, (ZBM)
  • Viewfinder: Waist level brilliant finder, turning left 90 degrees on its own axis for landscape pictures, w/ sprit level
  • Bellows: single extension, slides vertically by pressing the knob on the lens standard for parallax correction
  • Back cover: Removable, opens by the latches on two sides
  • Ground glass focusing back, with cloth hood, opens by a latch on it, removes by an unlock latch on the right side and slides upwards, then fitting the plate/sheet film holder is possible
  • Others: There are ICA logo on the speed dial, ICA Dresden stamping on front of the lens-shutter barrel, and D.R.P. Nr.258648 D.R.G.M. engraving below the lens; Tripod sockets: two, 3/8 inch
  • Body: metal; Weight:1246g


The Halloh models firstly introduced c.1903 by Kamerawerk Dr.Krügener.

ICA Halloh 505/506 and 510/11 were dual concept cameras of 8x10.5cm format, produced between 1912-26 . 570 is a later model for PostCard format [2]

Several of Houghton Ensign brand models were Krugener Halloh cameras.

ICA (International Camera A.G.) was formed in 1909 by merger of Hüttig AG in Dresden, Wünsche AG in Reick near Dresden, Kamerawerk Dr. Krügener in Frankfurt am Main, and Carl Zeiss Palmos AG in Jena.

ICA continued to produce some of the camera models of the partners before merger. ICA's extensive 1922 product list consisted of one hundred different camera models.

The ICA Halloh series was a continued models of Kamerawerk Dr. Krügener (Dr.Rudolf Krügener, Photochemisches Laboratorium und Fabrik photographischer Apparate Frankfurt-Bockenheim, founded 1888) after the merger.

The Krügener company produced lenses, photo chemicals and a vast range of camera models. Later Krügener was taken over and the factory closed. Only the names of Krügener models lived on in later ICA cameras like Halloh, Plaskop, Teddy, Trix and Trona.

Notes and references[]

  1. ICA Halloh 570 can be found in the dealer's catalogs of 1922-26
  2. McKeown's p. 416, 570

