Japanese subminiature
on paper-backed roll film and round film (edit)
17.5mm film Baby Flex | Baby-Max | Barlux | Beauty 14 | Bell 14 | Blondy | Baby Colon | Comex | Corona | Croma Color 16 | Epochs | Fuji Kozet | Gamma | Gem 16 | Gemflex | Glico Lighter | Halmat | Hit | Hit-II | Hit-type | Hobby 16 | Homer No.1 | Homer 16 | Honey | Hope | Jenic | Kiku 16 | Kolt | Kute | Lovely | Mascot | Meteor | Micky | Midget | Mighty | Mini | Moment | Mycro | Myracle | Nikkobaby | Peace | Peace Baby Flex | Peace Small Lef | Pet | Petit | Petty | Prince 16-A | Prince Ruby | Robin | New Rocket | Rubina | Rubix | Saga 16 | Saica | Septon Pen | Sholy-Flex | Snappy | Spy-14 | Sun | Sun B | Sun 16 | Sweet 16 | Tacker | Takka | Tone | Top Camera | Toyoca 16 | Toyoca Ace | Tsubame | Vesta | Vista | Vestkam
20mm film Guzzi | Mycroflex | Top
round film Evarax | Petal | Sakura Petal | Star
unknown Hallow | Lyravit | Tsubasa
cine film see Japanese cine film subminiature
110 film see Japanese 110 film

The Glico lighter camera is a Japanese subminiature shaped as a lighter, taking 14×14mm pictures on 17.5mm paper backed rollfilm. It is only known from a single example, pictured in Sugiyama.[1]


The camera has the shape of an ordinary throw-away lighter, but is not functional as such. The top of the ligther is replaced by an eye-level viewfinder. The film is advanced by a small knob on the photographer's left. The shutter is tripped by a button on the right, near the bottom. There is a small selector on the same side, switching between Bulb and Instant exposures. The lens has a fixed focus and aperture, and has no marking.


It is said that the Glico lighter camera was offered by the company Ezaki Glico, certainly together with some of its confectionery products.[1] The date is given as 1962 in Sugiyama, but this is unconfirmed.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sugiyama, item 5043.



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