
The Fujica AX-3 was manufactured by Fuji during the 1980s and was their mid line SLR during that time, just below the top of the line Fujica AX-5. It was introduced to the United States in 1980. The focal plane shutter is electronic, and speeds range from a high of 1/1,000th of a second to a low of 2 seconds. The camera also includes a bulb setting. Flash sync is 1/60th of a second. Selected shutter speed is shown along the left side of the viewfinder by an LED indicator. The AX-3 displays the aperture setting in the top of the viewfinder through a mechanical linkage. The AX-3 uses a center weighted averaging meter with silicon photo cells.

The Fujica AX-3 is an aperture preferred automatic exposure camera. Full manual control of aperture and shutter speed is also available. The camera requires a battery, to fire the shutter, operate the meter, and light the shutter speed LEDs in the view finder.

The AX-3 has a Fujica X mount, which takes Fujica X lenses. Although often difficult to find, a decent selection of these lenses are available on online auction sites. Additionally, the AX-3 is compatible with all other X series accessories, such as the X auto winder.

