
The Canon IX was the flagship among all the SLR cameras for the APS film system. It was a camera body with built-in flash for Canon's EF lenses which were usually used with EOS camera bodies for 35mm film. So this camera happened to become the prototype for the later DSLR cameras with CCD-sensor chip in APS-format.

SLRs for the Advanced Photo System
Canon EOS IX | Canon EOS IX Lite (IX 7) | Fujifilm Fotonex 4000ix SL | Minolta Vectis S-1 | Minolta Vectis S-100
Nikon Pronea S | Nikon Pronea 6i (600i) | Fujifilm Endeavor 4000SL | Olympus Centurion | Olympus Centurion S
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