
Camera Shumi (Camera趣味) was a Japanese photography magazine, published from 1933 for about six years. It was issued by Shumi-sha (趣味社), actually a branch of Tougodo, and was aimed at users of Tougodo cameras.

Camera Shumi had a somewhat broader scope than most photography magazines. It does contain articles on photography techniques, or selected pictures taken by the readers, but it also includes general interest articles and short stories.

The magazine was targeting a rather young and/or uneducated audience. Many articles have all the phonetic furigana readings, for readers uncomfortable with kanji characters. There are various manga strips, mostly directed to younger readers. Some of these are used to promote Tougodo cameras. The magazine also contains ordinary advertisements, all of them placed by the Tougodo company.


  • Camera Shumi (Camera趣味), various issues.